Recent days are hard times of the entire mankind, the sudden spread out of COVID-19 forced us to stay at homes, schools are almost shifted to homes, these added a new responsibility to parents, though it makes them stressful and somehow, they are managing We must agree to this point.

Screen-time habit in today's generation kids made it easier to adapt to online classes but increased screen time equally affects the child as well. Apart from online classes/ E-learning, with the array of media availability, they are more likely to turn to screens for entertainment. This is replacing other beneficial activities in a day. Children who spend too much time in front of the TV or Computer have little time for exercising their predispositions for fantasy, imagination, and creativity.
Though they are continuing academics with online classes, as they are less compared to regular school timing, there are more chances to turn up to screens, without saying that they are bored and not finding other activities.
Then what's the best way to balance media exposure with other activities?
Let’s see the 6 tips to manage screen time and to create a healthy screen time environment at home.
1.Develop simple rules:
Set usage rules that allow your kids to use screens. This can include certain areas in home-like no screens in the bedroom, mealtime, before bedtime, background TV. You can select some other corners or places in the home to be screen-free zones. You can allow some flexibility, but don’t push over. Important is involve your child while discussing the rules you want to set up when they choose to develop rules, they are less likely to break them.
2.Choosing a No Gadget Day:

At least a day in a week, try not to use screens it is good for families to have technology-free time together with screens off. For instance, families can share & exchanges their roles and responsibilities at home and spend doing some group activities & games at home. This can create a more intimate bond and promote a healthy family dynamic.
3. Give it as a Privilege:

Make your child do some chores to earn Screen time for instance, to young children, ask them to straighten up their room and put their toys back to their positions. This teaches them that nothing is free in life. You can teach your desired behaviors to inculcate healthy habits.
4. Setting Time limit:

For young children, you can use some technologies to manage the access so they will automatically of the screen after the time limit. Help them to understand that limiting screen time is a healthy habit, you can teach them/ engage how to avoid the screen time after their usage.
5. Lead them by an example:

As parents, your behavior is one the most effective way to help your child to develop a positive digital mindset. Show your child you can put down your device too and try to explain the pros and cons of the excessive usage of gadgets, children will understand if you're good enough to explain with realtime examples.
6. Diverting to an activity:

This is an effective way to limit screen time. Encourage understanding the importance of setting boundaries, using their imaginations, and being active. Make sure that you are ready with another interesting activity immediately after Screen time. Kids easily grow dependent on technology for entertainment. Encourage your children to become involved in activities.
Therefore, ensure that plenty of activities like physical exercise, household works, recycling, storytime, and interactive plays with adults and encourage a new hobby rather than passive looking at screens.
When you limit screen-time, you can give your child the gift of more time for other important activities to be a healthier child.
Every child is unique and every family is unique in their own way.
Manas will give you a fantastic way that suits your family style and also helps you in giving the best age-appropriate activities for holistic development. Manas is here to help you 24/7.
A happy family is a healthy family,A healthy family will be a healthier society.
Mounika Sagar
Consultant Psychologist at Manas.
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*Note: All these pictures are taken from Google free sources.